En esta sección podréis encontrar algunos libros recomendados sobre animales y mascotas, para que podáis ampliar vuestros conocimientos al respecto.
- Sargantana (SOHEVA)
- Guía de identificación de tortugas - CITES (versión en pdf)
- Tortugas del mundo
- Turtles of the World
- Encyclopedia of turtles
- Practical encyclopedia of keeping and breeding tortoises and freshwater turtles
- Tortugas terrestres y acuáticas del mundo
- Las tortugas como animales de compañía
- Turtles. Proceedings: International Turtle & Tortoise Symposium Vienna 2002
- Turtles. Perspectives and Research
- Turtles of the World Vol.1 . Africa, Europe and Western Asia
- Turtles of the World Vol.2 . North America
- Turtles of the World Vol.3 . Central and South America
- Turtles of the World Vol.4 . East and South Asia
- Las tortugas terrestres
- Tortugas terrestres en cautividad
- Keeping and breeding freshwater turtles
- Freshwater turtles and terrapins: The complete guide
- Tortugas terrestres mediterráneas
- Tortugas de España
- The turtles of Russia and other Ex-Soviet Republics
- Russian tortoises
- La tortuga mora (Testudo graeca L.) en Doñana
- La tortuga mora en la Región de Murcia
- La tortuga mediterránea. Testudo hermanni
- La tortuga mediterrània a Catalunya
- Testudo marginata. La tortuga almenada
- La tortuga rusa (Testudo horsfieldii). Mantenimiento en cautividad (Colección Infotortuga)
- Testudo horsfieldii. La tortuga rusa
- European pond turtle. Emys orbicularis
América del Norte
- Turtles of the United States and Canada
- Turtles of New England
- The turtles of Mexico. Land and freshwater forms
- Tortugas acuáticas
- North American box turtles. A natural history
- Box turtles
- The spotted turtle
- Ecology, Husbandry and Breeding spotted and wood turtles (Clemmys guttata and Glyptemys insculpta)
- Trachemys s. scripta. La tortuga de orejas amarillas
- The alligator snapping turtle. Biology and conservation
- Biology of the snapping turtle (Chelydra serpentina)
- The natural history and management of the Gopher tortoise
- The Sonoran desert tortoise. Natural history, biology and conservation
- The loggerhead turtle in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico
- Turtles of the Southeast
América Central y del Sur
- South American tortoises
- Las tortugas y los cocodrilianos de los países andinos del Trópico
- Redfoots & Yellowfoots
- The turtles of Venezuela
- Matamatas. The natural history, captive care and breeding of Chelus fimbriatus
- The Pinta tortoise. Globalization and the extinction of island species
- An identification guide to the tortoises and freshwater turtles Brunei
- Handbook Indian Testudines
- The turtles of Russia and other Ex-Soviet Republics
- Turtles of Borneo and Peninsular Malaysia
- Star tortoises
- Testudo horsfieldii. La tortuga rusa
- On the variability of Cuora trifasciata (Bell, 1825)
- Black-breasted leaf turtles. The Natural History, Captive Care, and Breeding of Geoemyda spengleri and Geoemyda japonica
- Tortoises, terrapins & turtles of Africa
- A guide to the tortoises of Namibia
- The tortoises and turtles of Madagascar
- Giant tortoises of the Indian Ocean
- African flapshell turtles. Cyclanorbis and Cycloderma
- Sulcata and leopard tortoises
- Leopard and african spurred tortoise. Stigmochelys pardalis and Centrochelys sulcata
- Geochelone sulcata
- Sulcatas. African spurred tortoises in captivity
- Leopard tortoises
- La testuggine leopardo. Stigmochelys pardalis
- Australian Freshwater Turtles
- Freshwater turtles: A wild Australia Guide
- Keeping short-necked turtles (Emydura species)
- Keeping long-necked turtles (Chelodina species)
- A field guide to amphibians and reptiles of Madagascar
- Albinos. Color and pattern mutation of snakes and other reptiles
- Amfibis i rèptils de Catalunya, País Valencià i Balears
- Anfibios y reptiles de Marruecos
- Field guide to the amphibians and reptiles of Aruba, Curaçao and Bonaire
- Incubation of reptile eggs
- The amphibians and reptiles of Greece
- The amphibians and reptiles of the Western Sahara
- Salamanders and Newts of Europe, Nord Africa and Western Asia
- Salamanders of the Old World
- Salamanders. Keeping and breeding
- Threatened Newts and Salamanders of the World. Captive Care Management
- El lenguaje de los perros. Las señales de calma