The Sonoran desert tortoise

The Sonoran desert tortoise. Natural history, biology and conservation
Ed. Thomas R. Van Devender
The University of Arizona Press and The Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum., 2002
Isbn: 978-0-8165-2191-3
388 páginas
Tapa blanda
Idioma: Inglés

The Sonoran desert tortoise
The Sonoran desert tortoise

Esta obra es un compendio de artículos científicos sobre la tortuga del desierto (Gopherus agassizii) en Sonora. Mediante estos artículos aprenderemos todo lo relacionado con esta especie: evolución, ecologia poblacional, actividad y comportamiento, distribución, alimentación, hábitat, y un largo etcétera.


- Natural history of the Sonoran tortoise in Arizona: Life in a rock pile
- Cenozoic environments and the evolution of the Gopher Tortoises (Genus Gopherus)
- Fossil history and evolution of the Gopher tortoises (Genus Gopherus)
- Genetic differences among geographic races of the desert tortoise
- The desert tortoise in Mexico: Distribution, ecology and conservation
- Population ecology of the Sonoran desert tortoise
- Activity and behavior of the Sonoran desert tortoise
- Grasses, mallows, desert vine, and more: Diet of the desert tortoise in Arizona and Sonora
- Nutritional ecology of the desert tortoise in the Mohave and Sonoran deserts
- Are free-ranging Sonoran desert tortoises healthy?
- Growth of desert tortoises: Implications for conservation and management
- Care and diet of captive Sonoran desert tortoises
- Fire ecology of the Sonoran desert tortoise
- Conservation and protection of the desert tortoise in Arizona
- When desrt tortoises talk, indians listen: Traditional ecological knowledge of a Sonoran desert reptile

Ficha escrita por: Enric Pàmies

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