Ed. Thomas R. Van Devender
The University of Arizona Press and The Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum., 2002
Isbn: 978-0-8165-2191-3
388 páginas
Tapa blanda
Idioma: Inglés
The Sonoran desert tortoise |
Esta obra es un compendio de artículos científicos sobre la tortuga del desierto (Gopherus agassizii) en Sonora. Mediante estos artículos aprenderemos todo lo relacionado con esta especie: evolución, ecologia poblacional, actividad y comportamiento, distribución, alimentación, hábitat, y un largo etcétera.
- Natural history of the Sonoran tortoise in Arizona: Life in a rock pile
- Cenozoic environments and the evolution of the Gopher Tortoises (Genus Gopherus)
- Fossil history and evolution of the Gopher tortoises (Genus Gopherus)
- Genetic differences among geographic races of the desert tortoise
- The desert tortoise in Mexico: Distribution, ecology and conservation
- Population ecology of the Sonoran desert tortoise
- Activity and behavior of the Sonoran desert tortoise
- Grasses, mallows, desert vine, and more: Diet of the desert tortoise in Arizona and Sonora
- Nutritional ecology of the desert tortoise in the Mohave and Sonoran deserts
- Are free-ranging Sonoran desert tortoises healthy?
- Growth of desert tortoises: Implications for conservation and management
- Care and diet of captive Sonoran desert tortoises
- Fire ecology of the Sonoran desert tortoise
- Conservation and protection of the desert tortoise in Arizona
- When desrt tortoises talk, indians listen: Traditional ecological knowledge of a Sonoran desert reptile
Ficha escrita por: Enric Pàmies